Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Yuro's Choice

One way to encourage language development in toddlers is to offer them choices instead of just asking what they want. But if your toddler is as talkative as Yuro, giving choices may no longer be necessary, because he can clearly state what he wants and most of the time demands for it.

Scene #1:
We're starting to wean Yuro from drinking milk from the bottle. Somehow, his dad was able to lure him to transfer the milk to the bottle cap and drink it from there. One time, when he was asking for milk, I said he has to drink it from the cup. When he didn't want to, I asked "Oh sige, ano na lang gusto mo, tubig sa bote o gatas sa takip?" He answered, "gatas sa bote!"

Scene #2:
One breakfast time, he wanted to eat the cereals straight from the pack. I insisted that he needs to eat it with milk and I have already prepared one for him. When he won't give in, I asked "Ano gusto mo eto (cereal with milk) o ayun (rice)?" He answered "eto (showing the pack of cereals he's holding)!"

In both cases, I gave in because I couldn't take the whining.

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