Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hong Kong!

Hong Kong was not on our list of must-visit places in the world.  And if my mother has not subsidized most of the expenses, Paul and I wouldn't have considered going there. We went to Hong Kong for the kids.  Our main agenda was Hong Kong Disneyland.  We didn't expect much but as it turned out, it was a fun, enjoyable, tiring and bitin first out-of-the-country trip for our family (with Yuro that is).  Months spent on planning and research made us realize that there's a lot to see and experience in Hong Kong.  The kids loved the place so much and with it's many attractions, Paul and I even considers going back there someday...***fingers crossed***  :)

Anyway, blog on our trip is on the following posts:

Hong Kong Disneyland

Hong Kong Ocean Park

Other Hong Kong Attractions

Searching for a city hotel in Hong Kong

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